Our Roadmap
Our roadmap outlines the planned project timeline for Lcly. This is a living document that will be updated based on community feedback and priorities.
Step 1: Your Postcode Online
- Create an enjoyable experience for people to find their postcode and explore Lcly with other people across the UK.
Step 2: Introduce Maps
- Introduce an interactive local map with useful services like community monitor and local noticeboards.
Step 3: Communities and Friends
- Introduce online communities for your town, city or county.
- Introduce a friends list to connect with people in your area.
Step 4: Local Government & Business
- Connect directly to local government, councils and businesses that serve your community.
Step 5: Open to Developers
- Open up Lcly as a infrastructure platform for businesses and developers to deploy their own local services in an easy and trusted way.
Ongoing Considerations
Security & Privacy
- GDPR compliance
- Data source verification
- Revenue model exploration
- Open-source development
- Content moderation
- Local community leaders